Poisson Algebras I

Non-commutative Algebras

Poster I


The Poisson algebras $A$ are the polynomial Poisson algebras in two variables $x$ and $y$ with coefficients in the polynomial Poisson algebra in one variable $t$. The Poisson algebras $A=K[t][x,y],$ over an algebraically closed field $K$ of characteristic zero$,$ are constructed by using Lemma $[$Oh, 2006$]$. There are three main classes, and each class has several subclasses. We are interested in the Poisson spectrum of $A$, minimal and maximal Poisson ideals of $A$. This poster identifies the first class of Poisson algebras $A$.


I participated by presenting my poster in several conferences and workshops as an example

  1. The British Mathematical Colloquium (BMC) and the British Applied Mathematics Colloquium (BAMC), 6 - 9 April 2021.
  2. The Young Researchers in Mathematics conference, 7 - 9 June 2021.
  3. The LMS Women in Mathematics Day, 16 June 2021.
Dr. Maram Alossaimi
Dr. Maram Alossaimi
Pure Mathematics, Non-commutative Algebras, Poisson Algebras

I am intersted in Poisson algebra, non-commutative algebra and Poisson prime ideals.